Chapter 14 - Future whitepaper updates, play-to-earn and disclaimer
The whitepaper can be updated and can get some changes before, during and after the game development, however the main elements of the game will remain the same as written since the first day.
Some parts of the game will be released first, more functions and activities will be implemented later to try and give players the chance to play as soon as possible, even before the complete version is released. Numbers and percentages are also subject to change before the release and they will be calculated considering different factors; at this stage they are meant more to provide an overall idea about the in-game elements, the differences between characters and so on.
The game itself will have its play-to-earn component in many different ways such as winning fights and adventures, performing jobs, getting succesful craftings and breedings etc.. The main purpose, however, is to be a game. Keeping it fun, interactive and interesting is our main goal and it was never meant to be a financial investment. We can't guarantee any fixed return from the game and we will never push people to buy making promises of earnings and ROI. We plan to make a very balanced and sustainable economy to make a game that can grow and stay here over the years.
Nothing that you read in the whitepaper is to be considered as financial advice and any calculation of return of investment you may read in our community is just based on users' speculations and not from the team.
We can't guarantee the value of the token and of the NFTs that you may purchase using other cryptocurrencies.
Last updated